Our Experience

Our experience in the fluids industry has made INDUSTRIAL PUMPING the preferred supplier of pumps, filtration and fluid control equipment, to many world respected mines, councils, oil palm mills, sugar mills, public utilities, and factories, in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and South Pacific Islands.

We have an extensive list of valued clients, below is an overview of some of our current contracts and customers to whom we supply pumps, equipment, including ongoing support and advice.

Barrick Niugini Porgera Mine, PNG

We hold a Barrick tender for supply of selected pumps and parts to the Porgera mine.

Newcrest Lihir Gold Mine, PNG

We are a major supplier of pumps and parts to the Newcrest Lihir Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea.

Hargy Oil Palm Group, PNG

Supply of pumps, fluid controls, UV sterilisers and filtration systems

Water system and POME effluent disposal design, support and advice.

New Britain Oil Palm Group, PNG

Supply of pumps, fluid controls, UV sterilisers and filtration systems

Water system and POME effluent disposal design, support and advice

FNQ & Bundaberg Sugar Mills, Australia

We support with advice and product most NQ Sugar Mills, as well as mills in PNG and Fiji.

Ramu Sugar, PNG

We support the Ramu Sugar mill with annual visits, product information and technical support.

Water PNG (Government owned PNG water authority)

Supply of pumps, Chlorination equipment, Valves, and spare parts.

Cairns Water, Cairns Regional Council, Australia

We are suppliers of pumps and pumping equipment to Cairns Water and the Cairns Regional Council.

Torres Strait Island Regional Council, Australia

Suppliers of specialised pumps, valving and filtration equipment.

Cape Flattery Silica Mines P/L, Australia

Suppliers of pumps, valving and filtration equipment.

Rio Tinto Alcan Weipa, Australia

Suppliers of pumps, valving, pipeline components and filtration equipment.

MMG Century Mines P/L, Australia

Suppliers of pumps, valving and filtration equipment.

Mandalay City Development Committee

We are major suppliers of pumps, pipes, and associated equipment to the Mandalay City Development Committee, and WRUD projects in Yangon, Myanmar

We assist in product advice and support for other world renowned mines such as Freeport Indonesia, Ok Tedi Mining PNG, and Hidden Valley PNG.

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